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Our Program

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Ouachita Healthy Living is a lifestyle designed to lead to optimum health and well-being.


Utilizing the proven modalities of good nutrition, adequate exercise and rest, fresh air and sunlight, pure water, the positive exercise of the will and trust in God, the participant will experience observable improvement in physical, mental, social and spiritual health. These benefits apply to all including those with conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, arthritis and many others. Join us in one of our 7-day live-in sessions to begin your walk to better health.

Our Facility

Pasture, ponds and wooded hills make up the tranquil views from the Ouachita Healthy Living Center. Our facility has four guest rooms, each one able to accommodate 1-2 persons comfortably. Classes are held in the large central living area. Our kitchen is a classroom as well where participants learn to prepare healthy meals. Located on 50 acres in southwest Arkansas, we are 3.4 miles southwest of the town of Amity and just one mile from the campus of Ouachita Hills College with which we are associated.

Science Supports

“It is increasingly recognized that the real issue in health care - lifestyle - should become the primary prescription for the leading causes of disease that result in the highest rates of mortality.” Bodai B. I., Nakata T. E., Wong W. T. et al. Lifestyle medicine: A brief review of its dramatic impact on health and survival. Perm J 2018;22:17-025


“What will maximize healing is the application of scientifically sound lifestyle principles to both individual and community practice - thereby preventing or reversing the worst of our chronic disease burden.” ACLM President, George Guthrie, MD, MPH, CDE, FACLM, FAAFP

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